ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556

Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor


How is a Hoarse Voice Treated?

A celebration of exultation and yelling or a mere exposure to the presence of crowd may lead you to a sudden awakening of hoarseness in your voice. Dry throat and a croaking voice or some hoarseness in your speech greet your day.

In all manifestations, croaky or hoarse voice originates from the larynx and you may have laryngitis of inflamed vocal cords from strenuous karaoke, passionate speeches or just plain infection from someone dear.

How it may have chosen you as a quarry, here is an enumeration of remedies you can take to talk sweetly through the day.


  1. Take a break. Not a break like a recess at school but you just have to cease from speaking for a while; let the vocal cords have some respite.


  1. Salinity in a drink. Gargle your inner throat thoroughly with warm water mixed with salt. An application more may be done accordingly.


  1. Humid as possible. If you have no humidifier, use a blanket and cloak over a small basin of hot water and inhale the steam orally as well.


  1. Candies for throats. Lozenges are candies you can play in your mouth all day long without having to be reminded that you are an adult.


  1. Vinegar from apples. Apple Cider Vinegar has antimicrobial ingredients beneficial to washing and cleaning your throat. Add in a dash of honey to make a powerful drink.


  1. Honey and Chamomile tea. A potent combination of the power of honey and the antioxidants in chamomile for a better immune system.


  1. Slippery Elm. This is a tree where its bark is ground to powder and made the main component of tea amongst the many it is used for; add in lemon to spike more vitamins.


  1. A most versatile and dependable root vegetable that can be used as tea or gargle for easing throat problems. Combine with lemon or honey or both and you have more than a medical concoction.


  1. Essential Oils. These extracts from plants can transform the ambiance of a room and tickle your senses to appeasement. Eucalyptus or peppermint oils are best to smell with a bothersome throat.


  1. As old as any culture that had evolved, garlic is proven to be a medicine on its own. Mix it diced in hot tea or gargle with water long soaked with garlic will work wonders not only for your throat but also your total well-being.


  1. Drink as much daily. Eight glasses of water a day but even more when you are at a quandary of an illness; would never hurt much.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


How to Treat Ear Congestion

There is a drumming or ringing, a throb in strange cadence, in your ear. It may not get your slightest consideration, but it does get a bit of your attention, would it not?

Auditory congestion may happen because of some circumstance you are in or may have come into or as some consequence of a prior or concurrent condition. It may even set it off by some accumulation inside the ear itself, wax.

There is some importance to know why you have ear congestion, truthfully, since persistence of this would entail professional intervention. That would make a mountain out of a mere mound which is unnecessary.



If you do get to have that discomfort, here are a few things you can do for relief upon knowing how you got to be where you are.

  • Sinus-related condition. The neighboring nose might cause some mumbo jumbo to your ear, and it is time to do something.
  1. Blow your nose; relieving pressure inside your nose may ease your ears.
  2. Nasal decongestant; rhinitis relief may lead you to comfort in your ears.
  3. Irrigate that nose; put saline solution into each of those nostrils, one at a time.
  4. Feel the steam; humidify the nasal passages and do this not just once.
  5. Rehydrate; drink up lots of water to replenish and fill up the other organs.


  • Buildup of fluids. You swam at the beach or at the pool like you won’t be back there again in your life. What a time that is with your friends, but then you can’t hear them suddenly.
  1. Tilt your ear towards your shoulder then pull the ear lobes or jump to drip the water out.
  2. Apply hydrogen peroxide for ears into your ear, or any over-the-counter alcohol-containing ear drops, lie down with ear ground-wise and wait for a few minutes.


  • Travel by any means. Car, train or plane; it does not matter which, but the elevation is of concern.
  1. Open your mouth as elevation progression is ongoing; pressure relief.
  2. Do the Valsalva maneuver: pinch nose, close mouth, exhale as if in bowel (go to the proper receptacle if something do comes out). Do this twice.


  • Wax accumulation. Some have it, some don’t; others come in waxy, some have it dry and flaky; to each his own. Soften the wax with ear drops, olive/mineral oil, or saline solution then scrape it out.


  • The girl or boy that sat next to you in the bus with unclear intentions caused these. Pop in antihistamines or anti-allergens will do you good but follow wisely the stated instructions.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


How to Treat Nose Congestion

A condition as old as man himself and a discomfort everyone experiences at one time or another. The young to the aged, from the north to the south, across the seven seas, it smitten those at certain kinds of weather or situation: a stuffy nose.


Nasal congestion or, as the health professionals prefer, rhinitis is nothing serious but can last up to ten days. The word “rhinitis” comes from the Greek word “rhino” for the smelling organ and “itis” that means inflammation.


It can be so stuffy you need to breathe through your mouth, or it can be watery you will be weary of wiping it that you feel your nose has gotten bloated twice its size. It has become uncomfortable you don’t bother if it is a virus, or allergy, or temperature change. You want it out.



There may be variations of one or two of the items listed below which actually is a reflection of practice and culture. Be that as it may, relief from stuffy nose may be done by:


  • A humidifier is a help. The machine produces mist from water for you to inhale that soothes those irritated nasal tissues and blood vessels nearby that, if present, liquifies mucus.
  • Savor the hot shower. Fundamentally, the heat of the steam is of the same effect as the first treatment that dilates and soothes nasal tissues and blood vessels all the same.
  • Hydration is imperative. Drink as much as you can with recommendations by professionals to be at least 2 liters a day. Water, without you knowing, actually is essential in the bodily functions of m
  • Not just water. Steam from simple water is very much effective but water may alone be questionable. Why do we not put salt into it and make a steamed saline solution to put it higher than simple water.
  • Drain that nose. You will need a squirt implement called “neti pot” to flush out mucus and water out. This is an augmentation to the nose blowing that splatters everywhere.
  • Compress it warmly. Done in a bag or a wet cloth, warmth will open stuffed up nerves and vessels. By allergy, virus, or temperature change, this is a sure shot if done always.
  • Decongest is well. This is an alleviation that will need OTC (over the counter) medications such as nasal sprays and pills. Nasal sprays may come as complicated as they come.
  • Medication. Serious medication for this discomfort may happen if you have allergies or viruses and bacteria that exhibit abnormalities; consultation is necessary then.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


Different Treatments for Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Dysphagia

Treatment for dysphagia depends on the type or cause of the swallowing disorder.

Oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia are two types of condition with different causes and treatment.


Oropharyngeal Dysphagia

Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a problem with swallowing that involves the mouth and the pharynx. The pharynx is the part of the throat behind the mouth.

Oropharyngeal dysphagia may be caused by stroke , Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis or Huntington disease, brain or spinal cord injury, tumors in the mouth or throat, Infection such as sore throat , tonsillitis, strep throat , or acute epiglottitis, or a narrowing or blockage.

Whoever has this condition, may have difficulty moving food or liquid from the mouth, to the back of the throat and liquid may be harder to swallow than food. There is a feeling

that food is stuck in the throat and there will be regurgitation, drooling, coughing, choking. The patient will have problems getting enough fluids for nutrition.

The doctor may refer the patient to a speech or swallowing therapist for treatment who will teach how to do exercises that may help coordinate the swallowing muscles or restimulate the nerves that trigger the swallowing reflex.

They will also teach swallowing techniques. The patient will learn ways to properly place food in his mouth and to position his body and head in a way that can help him swallow.

If his dysphagia is caused by neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, he will be taught exercises and new swallowing techniques to help compensate for the dysphagia.


Esophageal Dysphagia

When you have esophageal dysphagia, it’s hard to get food down the tube that goes from the mouth to the stomach.

Esophageal dysphagia can be caused by the following diseases of the throat – Achalasia, a condition where food or drink doesn’t move toward the stomach as it should;

Nerve damage that hinders the muscles in the throat; esophageal cancer; or esophagitis or GERD.

Esophageal dysphagia may be treated by esophageal dilation.

The doctor may use an endoscope with a special balloon attached to gently stretch and expand the width of the esophagus or pass a flexible tube or tubes to stretch the esophagus for dilation. This is what is done for cases of achalasia, a tight esophageal sphincter or an esophageal stricture.

Surgery may be needed if it involves esophageal tumor, or pharyngoesophageal diverticulum. A surgery is needed to clear the esophageal path.

If the difficulty in swallowing is caused by GERD, oral prescription medications for an extended period may be prescribed to reduce stomach acid.

For those who have eosinophilic esophagitis, corticosteroids can be taken as well as muscle relaxants for esophageal spasm.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


6 Warning Signs that Can Indicate A Child May Have Tracheitis

Tracheitis or an infection of the trachea is usually occurring when someone has an upper respiratory infection. It causes the airways to narrow.

The airways of small children can swell quickly, making it difficult for them to breathe. If your child’s trachea becomes completely blocked, it can lead to respiratory arrest and death

The trachea of little children can swell and narrow very quickly and it can be very difficult for them to breath. If a child’s airway becomes completely blocked, it can result to shock, respiratory arrest, organ failure and even death.

It is imperative that the child be brought right away to the doctor once they exhibit the following signs:


Croup Sounding Cough

If the child is recently having an upper respiratory infection, an increasing deep or barking croup cough may be something to watch for as this may be a sign of an inflamed trachea. It is likely that the bacteria may be causing tracheitis.


Difficulty in Breathing

It can be observed that children who have tracheitis are in a state of labored breathing. This means they put in too much effort just to breathe. Without helping it, they may be unable to do so.



Inspiratory stridor is already considered a medical emergency as it signifies a blockage in the airways.

This must be treated right away to prevent the airway from closing completely.

The ones at a higher risk of airway blockage are children because they have narrower airways than adults.

Foreign objects, swollen tissues of the throat or upper airway, or a spasm of the airway muscles or the vocal cords may be blocking the airway.

Tracheitis is one of the most common causes of acute stridor in children.



Wheezing when breathing out is a symptom of tracheitis.

It is often confused with stridor or a single pitch, inspiratory sound that is produced by large airways with severe narrowing. The difference is that wheezing is like a musical sound and is produced expiratory by airways of any size.

Wheezing is a sign that the child is having breathing difficulties.


Fever Higher than 39°C

High fever may be accompanied by croup-like symptoms like barking cough and stridor but patients with bacterial tracheitis do not respond to standard croup therapy.

A fever is usually a sign that your child’s body is trying to fight an illness or infection. In the case of tracheitis, the child is fighting of the bacterial infection.



When the skin becomes a bluish color, the symptom is called

cyanosis or blue lips is caused by a shortage of oxygen in the blood. This usually occurs drastically when  somebody is choking.

If it is subtle and gradual, it may be due to chronic underlying conditions such as lung diseases or chronic heart defects.

Blue lips can indicate that the child has tracheitis and his ability to breathe is deteriorating


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


8 Other Ways to Manage Hay Fever

Sometimes, even if you regularly clean the house and remove all the possible triggers for your hay fever or allergic rhinitis, it will be more effective if you will also equip yourself with complete knowledge on what else might work and do wonders in making you say goodbye for now to your allergies.


Here are just some of the many ways you can manage hay fever:


Avoid Stressful Situations

Stress can weaken the immune system and it makes allergic rhinitis worse. When it is impossible to pluck yourself out from stressful situations, at least learn a few tricks how to manage it. Giving yourself a much needed alone time for self-care and meditation, and toning down your schedule by not overcommitting are basic stress management skills nowadays.


Consider Acupuncture

Acupuncture will not only relieve the acute symptoms of allergies. It will also address the underlying imbalances within the body, getting directly on the root problems that are contributing to the body’s reaction to allergens.



Get to Know Herbal Remedies

Quercetin, a nutrient found in onions, as well as apples and black tea have been known to block the release of histamines.

Butterbur, a European shrub has an herb that has shown potential for relieving seasonal allergy symptoms, acting similar to antihistamines.

These are just a few of the many herbs that can help relieve hay fever symptoms.



Know the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can boost the immune system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage.

Mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day can relieve allergy symptoms.



Visit a Chiropractor

Chiropractic care helps the immune system to function more effectively by releasing stress on the nervous system. It has been known that without stress, the nervous system can function more efficiently and help in fixing then wrong immune signals that cause allergic reactions.



Detox Regularly

When the liver works overtime metabolizing alcohol, medications and processed foods, allergies can flare up. Foods and herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke, citrus fruits and nuts can help support the liver.

Also, eliminating fried foods, sugar, alcohol and other toxins from your diet can help lessen allergic symptoms because allergies are worsened by toxins within the body.



Take Probiotics

The presence of beneficial bacteria in the gut will reduce incidence of allergies because probiotics stimulate the production of immune enhancing substances, hinder growth of pathogenic elements further making the immune system stronger and this can help lessen allergies.



Relax with Essential Oils

Essential oils like peppermint, basil,  eucalyptus, and tea tree oils help detoxify the body and fight infections, bacteria, parasites, microorganisms and harmful toxins. They have been effective in fighting inflammation and boosting the immune system. Adding essential oils to a bath, cup of tea, massage oil, or an oil diffuser can do wonders in reducing allergy symptoms.

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For details of the ENT services, diagnosis, and treatment, please consult our ENT specialist.




HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


5 Common Respiratory Ailments Associated With The Bronchus

A number of medical conditions can affect the bronchus. A bronchospasm for example occurs when the airways constrict, or narrow, causing wheezing and difficulty in breathing. It can be a symptom of many conditions that affect the airways, including asthma, seasonal allergies, and COPD.


The following are some of the medical conditions involving the bronchus:



Asthma has a lot of triggers from smoke, dust, pet fur and other allergies and irritants, to intense emotions resulting in hyperventilation.

During an asthma attack, a bronchospasm occurs, the bronchi or airways constrict or narrows itself and it becomes extremely difficult to breath.



When a viral infection that started in the nose or throat starts to affect the cells of the bronchi, it becomes swollen and causes a cough that sometimes coughs up phlegm, and it causes wheezing. This is called acute bronchitis.

Usually it is caused by the same virus that causes colds and the flu. You can also get acute bronchitis from bacteria in rare cases and from inhaling certain substances, such as smoke, dust, or other irritants.

As for chronic bronchitis, smoking is the number one culprit because cigarette smoke irritates the airways and causes mucus. This causes inflammation in the bronchioles, causing a heavy buildup of mucus in the lungs and unlike acute bronchitis which goes away easily on its own, this one will not stop. It will give a chronic cough and the sick person will be more susceptible to bacterial infections. Breathing becomes extremely difficult.

Apart from smoking and being exposed to irritants such as dust or chemical fumes, over a long period of time, having COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the same condition some people with emphysema also have, increases the probability that more likely, they have chronic bronchitis too.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

People who have COPD usually also have asthma or emphysema accompanied by chronic bronchitis. If left untreated, this can lead to lung cancer.



Bronchiectasis which is also associated with other illnesses, such as COPD, cystic fibrosis, and recurrent cases of pneumonia, happens when the walls of the bronchi become irreversibly scarred.

They become thick and this causes mucus to build up and become a breeding ground for bacteria. The lung will not be able to function well when this condition is prolonged.



Patients are instructed to fast prior to surgery because there is a risk they could vomit and aspirate some of the food or drink while they are unconscious under general anesthesia.

When these foreign objects are accidentally or involuntarily inhaled, they often become lodged in one of the bronchi.

These Inhaled substances can then attract bacteria, leading to aspiration and pneumonia.

These can also happen to people who have trouble chewing and swallowing. Patients are also prone to aspiration after a stroke


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


5 Things You Should Do if Someone in Your Home Has Asthma

Asthma cannot be completely eradicated but there are simple ways to manage and avoid this illness especially if people are aware of things that should be done when they live with someone who has asthma.



Quit Smoking

When you live in the same roof with a loved one who has asthma, it is impossible for the patient to not inhale second hand smoke. Second hand smoke or smoke produced by a smoker and breathed in by another person can trigger an asthma attack. Make sure your home is a cigarette and tobacco smoke free zone. Instead of just designating a smoking area or trying one’s best to not smoke near the person with asthma, inside the home or inside the car, it would be in the best interest of every member of the family to just quit smoking.


Leave No Room for Dust Mites

Dust mites can trigger an asthma attack if the person who has asthma is allergic to dust and most likely, they are. Make sure these microscopic bugs are eradicated from your home.

Here’s a list of things you can do to prevent dust mites:

  • Use a humidifier to keep relative humidity levels at around 30- 50% which is not suitable for dust mites.
  • Regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, and floors
  • Make sure you wash your bedding and dry it completely once a week
  • Allergen-proof mattress and pillowcase covers make a good barrier from dust mites so make sure you use them
  • Never use down-filled pillows, quilts, or comforters.



Make Sure The Person with Asthma Stays Away from Air Pollution

Smoke from burning wood and dried leaves can trigger an asthma attack because they are producing harmful gases and particles that can be inhaled in large amounts and cause an asthma flare up.

Air pollution from factories and cars are even more harmful. Make sure you live in a place away from all of these if you have a loved one with asthma and make sure you check air quality forecasts on the internet before you  plan your activities to make sure there is no air pollution when you go out.



Keep the Person Away from Pets that Is Causing Asthma Attacks

If the furbaby can’t be rehomed, just make sure the person’s exposure is lessened by keeping the pet away from the bedroom and always keeping the pet clean. Using air cleaners with HEPA filters and allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers may help prevent asthma attacks.



Keep the Person Away from All Possible Triggers

Molds, harmful disinfectants, poor ventilation, flu, colds, respiratory syncytial virus, sinus infections and pollen must be kept away from the person with asthma.

Acid reflux, excessive physical activity, bad weather such as thunderstorms and high humidity can also trigger asthma attacks.

It is also important to take note of food, medicine, food additives and fragrances which may be the person with asthma is allergic to so it can be avoided.

Most importantly, try your best not to upset the person with asthma because intense emotions can lead to very fast breathing or hyperventilation which is also a trigger of asthma attack.

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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


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