ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

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Tel: (852) 3100 0555
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Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor


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7 Things You Should Do When You Have Tonsillitis

Our tonsils, the two masses of tissue at the back of our throat act as filters and they trap germs that could enter our airways and cause infection. They also make antibodies to fight infection.


When there’s too much risk factors, they get overwhelmed by bacteria or viruses. When they get swollen and inflamed, this condition is called tonsillitis.


Tonsillitis usually goes away on its own, lasting only two to four days and the worse, two weeks or more and recurrent especially if we will not follow the following list of advice on how to treat tonsillitis:



Take a Pain Reliever

Tonsillitis is usually accompanied by fever and pain. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are over the counter pain relievers which you can take to help manage these while you are at it.




If you can’t afford a total bed rest, at least refrain from doing anything strenuous and avoid aggravating your condition by staying up late. You should do the opposite – oversleep if you can. You won’t be able to work effectively when you are in pain. One of the possible reasons why you got sick in the first place is because you overworked and did not rest. Your immune system was affected and this is why you caught tonsillitis. The best thing to do is to correct this by getting enough rest and keep that habit even when you no longer have tonsillitis.




Hydrotherapy has been known to cure mild to moderate sore throat accompanied by headache and fever in less than twenty four hours. The same is true with tonsillitis. Drinking warm or very cold drinks will not only help with throat pain but flush off toxins that weakens your immunity. Once your body’s ability to fight off disease is restored, your tonsillitis will be gone in no time.



Eat Comfort Food and Beverage

Flavored gelatins, ice cream and applesauce are known as “smooth foods” that can give comfort to your tonsillitis


Broth soup, caffeine-free tea and warm water with honey can soothe the pain as well as cold treats like ice pops which can also soothe sore throat.



Humidify the Air

A cool-mist vaporizer or a cool-air humidifier in your room can eliminate dry air that may further irritate a sore throat. Sitting inside a steamy bathroom for several minutes is also effective.



Gargle with Warm Saltwater

Children are the ones most prone to tonsillitis. It had been proven that saltwater gargle of 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) of table salt to 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water can help soothe a child’s sore throat.


Anyone who has tonsillitis should gargle the solution and then spit it.


Have your child gargle the solution and then spit it out.



Take Lozenges

Lozenges with benzocaine and other medications that can numb the throat can be effective in managing tonsillitis while waiting for recovery.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

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6 Bad Habits that Increases the Chance of Getting Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis, which is most commonly referred to as “sore throat” usually occurs during the colder months of the year. It can cause scratchiness in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Pharyngitis may be caused by bacterial or viral infections and is very easy to catch if people are stubborn enough not to avoid these bad habits:


1。Not Getting Enough Water, Rest and Sleep

Pharyngitis is often accompanied by headache, fever and pain, all of which can be easily prevented if only people will keep their immunity functioning at its best when they get a complete eight hour sleep and keep themselves hydrated.

Water therapy is often used to treat common colds and sore throats and dehydration worsens it.

Anything which is bad for the immune system or the body’s ability to fight off infections can contribute to the spread of diseases that cause pharyngitis. So it is very important to keep hydrated and get enough sleep.



2。Sharing Food, Drinks and Eating Utensils.

When people avoid sharing food, drinks and eating utensils, they also avoid the most common viral and bacterial causes of pharyngitis other than pharyngitis itself. Some of these highly contagious diseases are: measles, adenovirus, chickenpox, croup and group A streptococcus.

Viral infections such as common cold, influenza, or mononucleosis, as well as the less prevalent bacterial infection, strep throat can cause pharyngitis.

In some rare cases, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and corynebacterium can also cause bacterial pharyngitis and everyone knows how easy virus and bacteria can spread when people share cups and spoons so it will be best not to do it even with people very close to us to prevent spreading diseases.



3。Going to Crowded Places

Again, avoiding close contact with anyone who may be carrying bacteria or viral infection in them may help prevent acquiring anything which may cause pharyngitis. Some infectious and contagious diseases are airborne and people working in healthcare are constantly exposed so it is best to avoid crowded places altogether unless one’s job calls for it. If that is the case, the person must always protect himself by avoiding close contact and eating immune boosting food.



4。Having Poor Hygiene

People who are unable to make it a habit to wash their hands often before eating and after coughing or sneezing can be a contributor in the spread of disease. They can also get it easily by not washing after exposing themselves or touching infected areas.



5。Not Using Disinfectants

Simply keeping themselves and their surroundings clean may not be enough in preventing infection completely.  Using alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water aren’t available is highly recommended to keep the usual culprits of throat infections away.



6。Exposing Oneself to Smoke

Exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of getting pharyngitis so one should avoid inhaling second hand smoke and avoid smoking too. Again, anything which is bad for the overall immunity can cause pharyngitis and this is especially true when people smoke.

If you have been experiencing symptoms such as voice changes, constant coughing, pain when swallowing, ear pain and sore throat that has not disappeared for more than two weeks, get yourself checked by a qualified doctor. It could be nothing but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

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6 Risk Factors of Chronic Laryngitis

Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx or voice box which contains the vocal cords, causing it to be irritated and swollen.


When the vocal cords are swollen, the sound produced by the air passing through them becomes distorted. The sound of the voice becomes hoarse as a result and in some cases, the voice can even become undetectable.


It can be caused either by a respiratory infection, such as a cold, bronchitis or sinusitis; exposure to irritating substances – cigarette smoke, alcohol, stomach acid or harmful chemicals; and excessive singing, shouting and talking.


Laryngitis is preventable if every person knows how to take care of their voices. Keeping oneself healthy to fight off viral infections that cause colds, sinusitis and bacterial infections as well as not overusing one’s voice by constant yelling and not engaging in activities that cause vocal strain, can all contribute to the prevention of acute laryngitis that usually leads to chronic laryngitis.


Being aware of the risk factors will also help you stay away from bad habits that lead to this disease.



1.All Kinds of Smoke

Smoking can cause irritation of the vocal cords. Cigarette and tobacco smoke are the common culprits but all kinds of smoke must be avoided, especially second hand smoke or burning leaves. Inhaled irritants, like chemical fumes and allergens can cause chronic laryngitis.




Excessive alcohol use can drain the body of water causing the throat to be dry. Caffeine can also make you lose more body water than usual.

Both can lessen the amount of total body water. It is advisable to drink plenty of liquid as fluids keep the mucus in the throat thin and easy to clear.


3.Stomach Acid

Stomach acid can go into the throat and esophagus and cause acid reflux, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Spicy food is one of the number one culprits of this. Stomach acid is one of the causes of chronic laryngitis.


4.Unhealthy Diet

Not including a variety of healthy foods in their daily intake can make people prone to chronic laryngitis. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains have very useful vitamins such as vitamins A,E and C. These vitamins are very important for overall health and they keep mucous membranes in the throat healthier.


5.Clearing the Throat

Clearing the throat does more harm than good. It causes the throat to secrete more mucus and it becomes more irritated. Doing it will only make the person want to clear his throat again. This also causes an abnormal vibration on the vocal cords and the strain can increase swelling.


6.Exposure to People with Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections and colds are highly contagious and with any illness, its the throat that manifests symptoms of infection first.

It is safe to stay away from crowded places and it is advisable to wash hands often.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

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4 Ways to Remedy Post-Nasal Drip

Some of us wake up with a dry throat and all it takes is one glass of water. For the unfortunate ones, it’s a trip straight to the bathroom sink and an ensuing session of hacking throat noises every morning. In this article, we’re going to show you some of the most common remedies to help ease the post-nasal drip and how to avoid it in the future.



Drinking water.

If you suffer from post nasal drip, your instinct to grab a glass of water is well founded. Most of the time, post nasal drip occurs because there’s a lack of moisture in your throat and nasal cavities and the body compensates by producing mucus. Mucus is naturally thick and drinking healthy amounts of water helps it thin down, making it easier for you to clear your throat.


Drinking water also helps stimulate little hairs in your windpipe called cilia that push secretions up and out from your lungs. Drinking water and the cilia work together to clear your nasopharyngeal tract of mucosal remains.



Sleeping with more pillows.

It’s not just for the neck and back pain – sleeping with pillows propped up help support your airway and prevent mucus from accumulating at the back of your throat. This will also promote proper and unobstructed breathing.


Aside from helping avoid post nasal drip, this reduces your risk for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea and post nasal drip can be a bad combination for people with existing heart problems, so making sure you sleep right (and semi-upright) also contributes to a longer lifespan, in addition to a clearer airway.



Pop that Benadryl.

This is very useful for people with allergic rhinitis. Postnasal drip is one of the problems people with rhinitis have to deal with, in concurrence with endless episodes of sneezing. Allergic rhinitis occurs in response to dust, pollen, and certain chemicals. During allergic rhinitis, the body fights back by producing more mucus to trap the allergens.


To help your body tone down the overreaction, you can take antihistamines. Benadryl, Allegra, or Claritin reduce the activity of the immune system and eventually minimize the production of mucus. This should help you breathe easy in the mornings.



Using humidifiers.

If you prefer dealing with post nasal drips with the least effort possible, investing in a good humidifier at home can help. Post nasal drips become cling to the back of your throat better in dry weather.


It’s the same concept as drinking water, except the application is external rather than a process started by the body. Some manufacturers also include essential oils for you to mix in the humidifier. Aim for the warm setting in a humidifier if you have thick mucus, or if you have a sore throat, use the cool setting.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

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3 Best Cures for Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms

When you’re sneezing non stop after a dusting session at home, or you find yourself with an itchy and runny nose after visiting the pet shop, chances are, you have allergic rhinitis. It’s a very common disease and it affects 20% of the human population.


Medical experts can only explain how it happens but they don’t have an idea what causes it in the first place. There are several remedies, and thanks to medical advances, rhinitis is just one antihistamine pill away. If you opt for homeopathic remedies, some ingredients are readily available at a supermarket. Read more to find out.



Avoiding your allergens.

We’ll start off with preventive measures because “prevention is the best cure.” The very first step to not suffer allergies is to find out which allergen your body reacts to. Thankfully, you can go to a clinic for some tests but if you’d like a fancier experience, you can visit an immunologist and allergy expert.


They will conduct several tests so you can find out which allergen you’re most averse to. We’ll give you a heads up – the most common cause for allergic rhinitis are either of the following: dust, pollen, and dander. The first allergen can be avoided by keeping your home clean, the second one – by staying indoors, and the last one by opting for short haired or hairless breeds, or other pet alternatives (if you still want to keep a pet, that is)




Over-the-counter brands for antihistamines include Claritin, Benadryl, and Allegra. Most of these histamines work the same way – they reduce the activity of histamine receptors that are the primary cause for the sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes and throat.


Because they limit the production of an immune response, that means an absence of defensive barriers like mucus. You’ll probably need to drink water or use a humidifier in addition to taking the medications because your nasal passages and your throat will dry out. As with any other medication, always consult your physician prior to taking these drugs.




If the antihistamines only acted on receptors, corticosteroids are medications that act on the hormones associated with producing histamines. This means that you won’t suffer the symptoms of rhinitis and the added benefit of not having to experience dryness in your mucous membranes.


The only downside to this is that it has to be taken as a preventive medication. It means that once the allergies have started, taking corticosteroids will reduce the severity of existing symptoms but at this point, taking an antihistamine is the better option.


Some popular corticosteroids for allergies include dexamethasone, prednisone, prednisolone under the brand names Dilacort, Pevanti, Decadron, or Dexpak.


These are just some of the few medications to the symptomatic treatment of allergies. There are homeopathic remedies too, but be careful as some of these all natural remedies still remain untested and may not be medically approved.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

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4 Self-Help Options for A Choking Accident

People usually rush into panic when they’re choking and will instinctively ask for water if they can still speak. If people are around, they can ask for help either by calling an ambulance and letting them perform a Heimlich maneuver. If choking is not resolved, it can lead to loss of consciousness, and possibly death.

In the extremely rare case you choke and you are alone, the following steps ensure your chances of survival.


1.Stay calm and do not expend unnecessary effort.

You want your body to not demand too much oxygen and the best way to do this is by moving only as much as necessary. Your blood has limited oxygen supply and you’re only conscious as long as your heart is able to pump blood efficiently.

Any erratic behavior or forceful movements can increase your heart’s activity and your body will respond by consuming more oxygen to burn energy, and in turn, this will signal the brain for you to breathe more. This places you at a greater risk by letting the object go down deeper in your airways.



2.Call 999 immediately.

WIth the limited amount of time on your hand, calling for a first responder is important. If you’re able to talk, that’s good news. Waste no breath in telling your name and address (and of course the fact that you’re choking).



3.Perform Heimlich maneuver on yourself.

Your body is amazing at self-preservation. If you find yourself coughing, do not attempt to suppress it. Cough forcefully until the foregin object drops out. If it doesn’t work in the first few quick tries then it’s time to perform a Heimlich maneuver.

Position yourself so your body is parallel to the floor. You can do this by resting the upper half of your body on a counter or chair. Using one of your hands balled up in a fist, position it above the navel and cover it with your other hand. Try to push inwards and upwards at the same time in quick thrusts.



4.Ask for help from the nearest person.

If you live with neighbors in an apartment, it’s usually smarter to rush for help to allow them to do the Heimlich maneuver on you. This is the best method as you will no longer be able to perform Heimlich on yourself if you’re unconscious. The person in charge of an unconscious individual can do CPR until help arrives.

Nobody has to undergo these tedious steps so the best way is to avoid the risk of choking altogether.



5.How to avoid choking:

  • Eat food slowly and in bite sized amounts only.
  • Refrain from eating too much while drunk.
  • Refrain from getting drunk.
  • Be careful with sticky food i.e. prepare water or beverage to help push down the food.
  • Avoid talking while chewing.
  • Alternate eating and drinking to help facilitate swallowing.



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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


4 Things To Do Immediately When You Lose Your Voice

Loss of voice or a hoarseness in the voice isn’t life threatening but when it gets in the way of communicating with your family or friends, it can be very inconvenient. Perhaps you’d stayed longer than usual at a karaoke place or you may have gotten too excited at the winner of the World Cup Series.


Laryngitis happens for a number of reasons. It can be caused by an infection, a strained vocal cord, or a combination of the two. Regardless of the reason, here list 4 things to do when you lose your voice to help you get your voice back.



1.Zip it, Thanos.

The very first thing you want to do after losing your voice is refraining from talking. Your larynx has muscle components and gets worked out very similar to how you train your muscles in the gym. Making sure it gets ample rest gives it time to heal itself.


Laryngitis resolves itself in a week and usually does not need hospitalization or medications. Keeping quiet is all you need to do.



2.Avoid coffee.

Hot beverages are supposed to help someone with a sore throat right? The answer to that is yes, and the reason why coffee isn’t helpful despite being a hot beverage is that it does more harm than good.


Caffeine is a diuretic – it will make you have frequent visits to the bathroom and the only way to get back what you’ve lost is drinking lots of water. That’s why vocal coaches stress on the importance of keeping hydrated. It’s the same method in the fitness industry where hydration is very important to muscle recovery. Your ability to speak is possible because of these muscles.




More often than not, laryngitis is an aftermath of a very tiring cheering squad practice or an intense singing lesson. Sleeping will help direct your body’s efforts in repairing the damaged parts.


It’s also easier for the heart to pump blood when you’re horizontal, and blood rich with nutrients and oxygenated red blood cells will help repair your voice box.



4.Use a humidifier.

These devices work by delivering moist air into the surrounding area. They’re not only useful for people afflicted with allergies, but they’re also good for people who have lost their voice. If drinking water is painful, then delivering moisture by breathing it in is an alternative.


If your humidifier has an option to use a cool or warm mist, choose the cool one if you’re experiencing severe inflammation. If the laryngitis is caused by an infection, it’s more ideal to use the warm mist setting. The additional warmth will kill most bacteria as they don’t survive above normal body temperatures.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


4 Unlikely Diseases Linked to A Loss of Smell

Anosmia or the absence of the sense of smell became popular recently due to its inclusion on the list of symptoms for COVID19. But anosmia isn’t only limited to COVID19. There are other diseases that can cause you to lose your sense of smell. Here are some of them:



Sinuses are the little holes and spaces in your skull that contain pockets of air. They help lighten the weight of the skull and also act as ducts or drainage for mucus. When sinuses get clogged, bacteria may proliferate and cause an infection. The resulting sinusitis will cause fever and a feeling of heaviness in the head.


A loss of smell happens due to the pressure exerted by the enlarged sinuses near the nose, affecting your ability to breathe in and discern differences in scent. So the next time you think you have COVID because you can’t taste your guac toast, it’s probably just sinusitis.




Brain aneurysms are more fatal than COVID and a loss of smell may be indicative that one already has a brain aneurysm. Enlarged blood vessels near the brain may press on nerves that are responsible for detecting smell. These blood vessels can rupture and can cause increased intracranial pressure that may lead to a loss of consciousness and even death.


The good news is your risk for aneurysm decreases significantly if: a) you don’t smoke; b) maintaining a healthy blood pressure, c) limiting caffeine intake; and d) exercising. Currently, there is no guaranteed way to predict or completely prevent aneurysms, so we all have to make changes to our lifestyles.




A study published in 2009 studies the specific relationship between anosmia and schizophrenia, and posits that the lack of sense of smell can be a warning sign or can indicate the early onset of the neurological disease.


One of the most powerful memory triggers is smell, and a schizophrenic patient will have trouble remembering things. The part of the brain affected relative to the occurrence of schizophrenia is also responsible for helping us distinguish scents. Anosmia can also be linked to other neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.


There have been reports of COVID causing people to be forgetful so the distinction between COVID19 and early onset of schizophrenia becomes smaller, if basing on anosmia alone.



4.Paget’s disease of bones.

Paget’s disease makes bones brittle and causes bone formation to be irregular. This means individuals affected by Paget’s disease can experience a fracture, only to find the healed bone to be misaligned, or worse, deformed.


How does this affect loss of smell? In the same way sinusitis does. In rare cases, Paget’s disease will involve facial bones that grow in abnormal shapes. If these bones press on nerves in the brain or face, the loss of smell goes away. Nerve blockage is common in Paget’s disease and most complaints are due to pinched spinal nerves.


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HK ENT Specialist Ltd.

Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre

For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy,

Sleep Disordered Breathing Management,

Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services


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