ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
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Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

Ear Problems That Should Be Checked By an ENT Specialist

Ear Problems That Should Be Checked By an ENT Specialist


If you have pain in your ear, you probably have an infection. Take a look at the following ear problems to check if a visit to an ENT specialist is necessary.


Outer Ear Infections


Infections of the outer ear can cause itching in the ear canal, swelling and pain of the ear canal, discharge and crusting. If you will see a doctor, he will carefully clean your ear to fix the problem. But if your ear is quite swollen, your doctor may insert a wick that has been soaked with an antibiotic into the affected ear to treat the infection. You may also be required to put drops in your ear a few times daily to ensure the wick stays moist. For those with severe infection, you may be prescribed oral antibiotics or perhaps a cream depending on the type of infection you have.


Middle Ear Infections


A middle ear infection is usually an infection of the area behind the eardrum. Ear infections occurring in the middle ear usually begin with a viral infection from the throat or nose. Infections could also arise when you have allergies.


Symptoms of infection include pain in the ear, hearing loss, blockage in the ear, dizziness and even fever. Your doctor will check for the presence of fluid behind the eardrum, and if you are experiencing hearing loss, a hearing test may also be recommended.


Just like outer ear infections, you may be prescribed antibiotics. But some doctors don’t recommend this treatment as many symptoms of infection go away in a few days without taking antibiotics. You may, however, be prescribed decongestants in the form of nasal sprays to clear the Eustachian tube.


Inner Ear Infections


The worst kinds of ear infections are those that occur in the inner ear.  Meniere’s Disease is one such infection and it can trigger severe dizziness (vertigo) and loss of hearing. Usually, it only affects just one ear, but it could also affect both.

Another problem is called acoustic neuroma which is a benign tumor that can cause loss of hearing, ringing in the ears, balance problems, and even numbness in the face. Other problems include Labyrinthitis, excessive earwax and otosclerosis. Symptoms vary which is why self diagnosing is never recommended especially for something as delicate as ear infections.


If you are experiencing some discomfort and pain in your ears, it’s best that you see a doctor. A GP can diagnose your problem and provide treatment however if the problem persists, it’s highly recommended that you see a ENT specialist as this doctor has extensive experience and knowledge in various ear related conditions and infections and can provide the best treatment.




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