ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
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Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

What You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

What You Should Know About Rhinoplasty


Defining Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a form of cosmetic surgery and refers to the surgical alteration of a person’s nose. The procedure may alter the specific shape of the nose to make it smaller or larger, to alter the nose’s angle, re-shape the very tip, or to correct defects and indentations or bumps.


Rhinoplasty is a very common procedure and is now becoming one of the more affordable forms of cosmetic surgery. However, rhinoplasty is not just for cosmetic purposes: it may also be used to treat people with breathing disorders or other conditions disrupting their olfactory senses.


Why It Is Performed

One of the most common reasons for rhinoplasty is to achieve a certain look. Many celebrities undergo rhinoplasty to achieve a thinner, sharper nose that is universally accepted as “good looking”. Rhinoplasty is also done when the nose is shaped disproportionately larger or smaller in comparison to the rest of the face or lips.


For health conditions, rhinoplasty is performed for people experiencing chronic congestion or breathing problems. This may also be done for people who had a recent tumor removed, a process that may have left the nose slightly disfigured.


Risks of Rhinoplasty

In every surgery, even one as minute as rhinoplasty, there may always be some form of risk factor involved. Bruising and slight swelling around the eyes is quite common but this will fade a few days or weeks after the surgery has been completed. Other risks include:


  • Bleeding
  • Holes or injury to the walls separating the nostrils, referred to as the septum
  • Infection
  • Nasal blockage due to the swelling and infection – this can become quite serious as it may also impede with the person’s capability to breathe.
  • Anesthesia complications such as prolonged numbness and even paralysis

Of course there is also the cosmetic risk. The end results might not be what the patient desired and now they will have to go another rhinoplasty to correct the mistake and achieve the look they really wanted.


Expectations and Results

Some people do not get the results they expected because they did not concur with their surgeon on what the specific goals of the operation should be. Right from the beginning the patient and the doctor need to discuss what the expected goals are. If the doctor thinks they are realistic then you can expect close to perfect results.

During the first two weeks, however, the nose will look nothing like anything normal. This is because it is still swelling from the surgery. This can last for ten to fourteen days.


Cold compression and anti-inflammation may be given by the doctor, as well as pain medication. For several weeks the patient may not be able to conduct strenuous activities due to the fragile nature of their nose after rhinoplasty.




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