ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

Rm 02, 5/F., Kai Seng Commerical Centre,
4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
(near Kowloon Hotel)
Tel: (852) 3100 0555
Fax: (852) 3100 0556

Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor


Why You Need An ENT Specialist

Why You Need An ENT Specialist


An ENT specialist is a medical provider who specializes in the treatment of ears, nose and throat problems. If not for ENT specialists, people who are experiencing hearing loss, difficulty in breathing, sleep apnea and so forth will not be able to live normal lives. They provide the right evaluation and diagnosis of the ENT problem and prescribe the right medical procedure or treatment in order for the patient to live as normal as possible. Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Ear Problems

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Ear Problems


Are you in the habit of ignoring your ear problems?


Maybe these problems just resolve themselves away so you feel no need to ask an ENT specialist. But that’s courting disaster. If you do this every time you feel something is wrong with your ear, your problem will grow worse, and you just can’t solve it by medicating. Continue reading

Difficulty Swallowing: What Can I Do?

Difficulty Swallowing: What Can I Do?


Difficulty swallowing is medically referred to as dysphagia. It often indicates a problem in your throat or your esophagus. This condition is most common in older adults and babies, as well as in individuals with a nervous system disorder. There are many reasons why people have difficulty swallowing. Some are harmless and others require medical attention. If you only experience it once or twice, then it probably doesn’t merit a visit to the ENT doctor. But if you experience it frequently, it may mean you have a serious problem and you should see an ENT doctor as soon as possible. Continue reading

Deviated Septum Overview

Deviated Septum Overview


There is no such thing as a perfect nose. In fact, majority of people have noses that are a bit crooked. Some of them are bad enough that they may need a deviated septum surgery, which is a procedure where the septum (center of the nose), is straightened.


People with severely curved noses are excellent candidates for surgery. Yet many of us don’t really know we have this problem. The condition, if left untreated, could lead to breathing difficulty and sleep apnea, which may be life threatening. Continue reading

Common Signs and Symptoms of ENT Disorders

Common Signs and Symptoms of ENT Disorders


The ears, nose and throat are all connected and this is why there is a kind of doctor that specializes in disorders affecting these parts of the body and face.  There are lots of ENT disorders, and the best way to determine your specific problem is to see an ENT specialist. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of an ENT problem. Continue reading

Throat Disorders You Should Not Ignore

Throat Disorders You Should Not Ignore


Throat problems are not exactly rare. In fact, millions of people all over the world are affected by some sort of throat disorder. While most throat problems are harmless, there are those that must really be diagnosed and evaluated by an ENT specialist to ensure that the condition doesn’t worsen and lead to life threatening illnesses.


Here are some problems you should not ignore: Continue reading

Nose Problems – Should I See an ENT Specialist?

Nose Problems – Should I See an ENT Specialist?
The human body is anything but simple. There are many different organs in our body performing many different functions. For most people, the idea of nose problems is not familiar to them. Most of us associate diseases and infections with our lungs, our heart, our brain, our digestive tract, etc but the nose is often overlooked. The truth is, our nose does cause problems every once in awhile, although for some, they have chronic problems that are related to their nose. Continue reading

Ear Problems That Should Be Checked By an ENT Specialist

Ear Problems That Should Be Checked By an ENT Specialist


If you have pain in your ear, you probably have an infection. Take a look at the following ear problems to check if a visit to an ENT specialist is necessary.


Outer Ear Infections


Infections of the outer ear can cause itching in the ear canal, swelling and pain of the ear canal, discharge and crusting. If you will see a doctor, he will carefully clean your ear to fix the problem. But if your ear is quite swollen, your doctor may insert a wick that has been soaked with an antibiotic into the affected ear to treat the infection. You may also be required to put drops in your ear a few times daily to ensure the wick stays moist. For those with severe infection, you may be prescribed oral antibiotics or perhaps a cream depending on the type of infection you have. Continue reading

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