ENT Head & Neck Surgery Center

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4-6 Hankow Road, TST Kln, HK
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Lawrence Chow / ENT Doctor

Allergy Problems That Should Be Checked by an ENT Doctor

Allergy Problems That Should Be Checked by an ENT Doctor


Millions of people all over the world suffer from allergic rhinitis. This condition affects people from all ages and from all walks of life. Usually, it occurs when the nose and oftentimes the eyes, ears, throat and sinuses are exposed to allergens like pollens, dust, mold, cockroaches, wood dust, cereal grain, chemicals and animal dander.


Some of the common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are runny or itchy nose, sneezing, head and nasal congestion, lethargy and fatigue, itchy throat, postnasal drainage, watery and itchy eyes.


Most people suffering from allergic rhinitis or hay fever also report the following:


  • They sneeze a lot especially in the morning or in the evening.
  • They have runny nose, and the drainage is often thin and clear.


Allergic rhinitis can be an extremely frustrating and annoying condition to have. The good news is, it can be treated. The first step in treating this condition is to avoid contact allergens. The second step is to find the right medication to manage your allergy. Your physician or ENT specialist (ENT doctor) may recommend you to first try decongestants. However, if the problem persists, it may be time for other treatment options.


For people with symptoms that are severe in spite of the use of medications, your doctor may prescribe allergy shots. This is essentially the administration of a mixture containing the allergens identified in your allergy tests. So, before an allergy shot is given, you will need to undergo allergy testing. This is performed in your doctor’s office to identify the allergens that are causing your allergic rhinitis.


The purpose of immunotherapy is to build up your antibodies by repeatedly exposing you to allergens. When your antibodies are increased, your allergic response will improve, eliminating the allergy.


Sublingual Immunotherapy
The concept is similar to what was stated above. The only difference is that instead of being given an injection, you will be prescribed allergy drops which will be administered under the tongue daily. Experts have found this method to be just as effective as standard injections.


Who Should Treat Allergies?
Allergies with mild symptoms can be treated by your primary care physician. However, if your condition persists and does not improve with medication, it may be best to seek a specialist, specifically an ENT doctor. Your ENT doctor can give you a wide range of solutions to treat your allergy problems.


How to Prevent Allergic Rhinitis?
Aside from avoiding allergens, there is no other concrete way to prevent you from getting allergic rhinitis. This is especially true if you have a family history of this condition. So, if one of your parents is allergic to dust and mites, then you are most likely to suffer from this condition.




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